Graduation is only One month and 18 days away...
Hold the phone! I am officially an adult in one month and 18 days.
(well.. hopefully) ;)
Many times when I tell people that I am called to vocational ministry, people ask where I will be residing? I proceed to tell them that I do not yet know where I will be living. It could be here, there, or wherever. Then I am asked if I am okay with that? Not living where my beautiful family is, etc...?
My reply is usually this: I'll be just fine, God has blessed me with a gypsy heart. I really believe that. I can live wherever. Yes, I'll miss my family and friends but the Lord has prepared me to be away from them if that is what He calls me to.
I am so ready for adventure. Something new.
As I have been processing graduation and oh.. just life in general, God has showed me something else. Yes, my gypsy heart is for real, but not just with location but with temporary loves.
Jesus calls us to live solely for Him. My constant prayer is that He will consume my heart and mind. But, I so easily give my heart and mind away. I allow my mind and heart to be consumed by things of this world, good things, even Jesus things. But Jesus himself? Am I letting my heart be steadfast in my love for Jesus, or am I letting my heart be gypsy-like and seek love from things that are temporary?
Ohh this gypsy heart of mine.
Exodus 33:15 has been my prayer as of late.
And he said to him, "If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.
I have been praying this verse over my life in the context of jobs, graduation and the future. Today I had a new thought, what if this verse is my prayer when it comes to my heart and mind.
Lord, if your presence is not where my daydreams, business, thoughts are going. DO NOT allow me to go there. Lord, keep my thought life grounded in your presence. Let me have the Kingdom bound mindset. Lord, if my heart is seeking things of this world, then let them not be satisfied even for a second by the temporary. Lord, let me love you with my whole heart, entire mind, all of my strength, and every part of my soul. Lord, let it be You, that I adore.
Our constant goal should be, becoming one with Jesus. Not being perfect or obeying. But being one with Him. Being exactly where His presence is.
I am done with allowing my heart to be gypsy-like in anyway other than location. I desire for my heart to find it's ONLY home in Jesus Christ. He is jealous for me. Praise Him, He is jealous for me.
Constantly pursued.
Matt 6 and Psalm 34.
Love y'all.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Black and White
Man Oh Man.
Life is beautiful. I am doing two of my favorite things, sitting in a coffee shop and writing to you. :)
I have been able to catch up with a lot of old friends lately, it has been so sweet. I have been hearing a lot about life plans after graduation and just their lives in general. I have loved hearing from their hearts. I love knowing what my friends are passionate about.
Many of my friends and I are approaching graduation or have just graduated and are figuring out this whole thing called life. It is scary, but SO fun. The fun comes from knowing a Savior who is sovereign and ever loving.
Anyways, my favorite plans to hear about are the ones that aren't even close to being black and white. The plans that are just completely in the grey. I know that might sound crazy but it is truly my favorite. Reason being that I adore watching my friends lean into the Lord for direction. I love watching them fall more in love with Jesus because they are able to see His faithfulness be true. I love when my friends make the hard decision to stop relying on themselves and abide in Christ.
I love this stage of life because it is SO close to my heart. I am exactly there and let me tell you, I am leaning into the Lord and finding Him steadfast and faithful. I was able to tell my friend last night that this season in my life is so sweet. I have no idea what my life will look like after December but I know that my God is there and He has got it. Guys, because I have given up control of my life and given it over to my Jesus, I have had ridiculous joy. Not because my life is perfect or that I haven't had any trials but because, Jesus is the Prize. At the end of the day, who matters? JESUS! Even though my life is uncertain, He is the absolute truth and never changing.
So the encouragement for the day is this; When life seems uncertain rest in the fact that Jesus is all knowing. He knows your very next step. Find courage in Jesus and be strong because He is your strength. Dig deep into the Word and let his truth soothe your soul. Let this uncertain time in your life be the one of the sweetest seasons. Jesus is faithful.
Love yall.
"My hands go up, giving You glory. I just can't give enough, You are so worthy Lord. I keep pouring it out for You. My cup is overflowing with Your perfect love. And this is my reward, I keep pouring it out for You."
Life is beautiful. I am doing two of my favorite things, sitting in a coffee shop and writing to you. :)
I have been able to catch up with a lot of old friends lately, it has been so sweet. I have been hearing a lot about life plans after graduation and just their lives in general. I have loved hearing from their hearts. I love knowing what my friends are passionate about.
Many of my friends and I are approaching graduation or have just graduated and are figuring out this whole thing called life. It is scary, but SO fun. The fun comes from knowing a Savior who is sovereign and ever loving.
Anyways, my favorite plans to hear about are the ones that aren't even close to being black and white. The plans that are just completely in the grey. I know that might sound crazy but it is truly my favorite. Reason being that I adore watching my friends lean into the Lord for direction. I love watching them fall more in love with Jesus because they are able to see His faithfulness be true. I love when my friends make the hard decision to stop relying on themselves and abide in Christ.
I love this stage of life because it is SO close to my heart. I am exactly there and let me tell you, I am leaning into the Lord and finding Him steadfast and faithful. I was able to tell my friend last night that this season in my life is so sweet. I have no idea what my life will look like after December but I know that my God is there and He has got it. Guys, because I have given up control of my life and given it over to my Jesus, I have had ridiculous joy. Not because my life is perfect or that I haven't had any trials but because, Jesus is the Prize. At the end of the day, who matters? JESUS! Even though my life is uncertain, He is the absolute truth and never changing.
So the encouragement for the day is this; When life seems uncertain rest in the fact that Jesus is all knowing. He knows your very next step. Find courage in Jesus and be strong because He is your strength. Dig deep into the Word and let his truth soothe your soul. Let this uncertain time in your life be the one of the sweetest seasons. Jesus is faithful.
Love yall.
"My hands go up, giving You glory. I just can't give enough, You are so worthy Lord. I keep pouring it out for You. My cup is overflowing with Your perfect love. And this is my reward, I keep pouring it out for You."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Life is so interesting. I love God's sense of humor. I really believe He loves to stretch me. Stretching me hurts but His glory is the reason behind the lack of comfort. So, let's go.
Just a couple of thoughts from my life as of late:
Living in denial will leave you blind.
There is such truth in that statement. Whenever we deny or ignore the truth it leaves us ignorant. Lord, keep me from denying my convictions.
I had a friend tell me recently that she has been praying that when she sins that people will find her out. That way she will stop sinning. She asked me if that was crazy or weird. I told her that it was spiritually mature to pray like that. She gets it. She desires holiness, she was asking Jesus to do whatever it takes for her to be holy. For the love, that is a bold but God glorifying prayer.
Jesus, let my desire for holiness be that strong.
Sometimes the easy thing and the right thing are not always the same.
I think that we have this misconception that whenever we do the right thing, it won't be offensive to others. We believe that the right thing will not ruffle any feathers. Wrong. Whenever we do what's right, we are most likely shedding light in the darkness. That isn't always comfortable, and it is bold. But it's right. Jesus, help me seek righteousness.
We cannot allow our hurts and frustrations move us to self righteousness. Whenever we get hurt or someone sins against us, we (I) tend to get really prideful. I see my way and my hurt without seeing the other side of the story. Jesus, let me be quick to forgive.
Just some thoughts. :)
Love y'all.
Just a couple of thoughts from my life as of late:
Living in denial will leave you blind.
There is such truth in that statement. Whenever we deny or ignore the truth it leaves us ignorant. Lord, keep me from denying my convictions.
I had a friend tell me recently that she has been praying that when she sins that people will find her out. That way she will stop sinning. She asked me if that was crazy or weird. I told her that it was spiritually mature to pray like that. She gets it. She desires holiness, she was asking Jesus to do whatever it takes for her to be holy. For the love, that is a bold but God glorifying prayer.
Jesus, let my desire for holiness be that strong.
Sometimes the easy thing and the right thing are not always the same.
I think that we have this misconception that whenever we do the right thing, it won't be offensive to others. We believe that the right thing will not ruffle any feathers. Wrong. Whenever we do what's right, we are most likely shedding light in the darkness. That isn't always comfortable, and it is bold. But it's right. Jesus, help me seek righteousness.
We cannot allow our hurts and frustrations move us to self righteousness. Whenever we get hurt or someone sins against us, we (I) tend to get really prideful. I see my way and my hurt without seeing the other side of the story. Jesus, let me be quick to forgive.
Just some thoughts. :)
Love y'all.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
woot. coffee.
So here I am sitting at a new (well, new to me) coffee shop in down town Tulsa.
I am in love.
This place is super chill, maybe even a little raw. It isn't perfectly put together. Basically, not my typical coffee shop. But again, I love it. The atmosphere of the shop meshes with the feel of down town really well. Hey, there is even a bike rack inside. 2 points for being awesome and supporting exercise. :)
So thanks Nick Livingston aka "Nicko" for helping a directionally challenged girl find Double Shot. My heart is happy.
As I sit here I am being super typical and doing two things.
1. Being "that" Christian doing her quiet time at a coffee shop. (don't judge me.)
2. And, well I am blogging. Do I pass as a coffee shop girl? Hope so. ;)
As I was reading I came across this verse in 1 John 4:16
We have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
God is love. I am so thankful for that truth.
So this is the question that is on my heart. Is Gods love seeping out of me. Is it an overflow of my heart. Is His love constantly in my actions and my words.
Are my judgements being laid super thick on the people around me? I am not talking about iron sharpening iron but am I being self righteous and judgy?
The verse above specifically states that whoever abides in love abides in God. Now this isn't earthy love but a God's perfect love. (another post for another time. If you have question about the difference, please ask.)
In John 16:35 it says,
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
We have GOT to love one another. Be so quick to forgive one another. Love one another regardless. The lost will come to know Jesus by our love. Don't forget that it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. Let's put away our petty differences and show the world who Jesus is. Let's carry His Name by the way we love. Take the time to be kind today.
Let's take up our cross and die to ourselves and decide to love.
Dear self,
remember these things.
just some thoughts I am thinking. Obvi.
Go check out double shot.
I am in love.
This place is super chill, maybe even a little raw. It isn't perfectly put together. Basically, not my typical coffee shop. But again, I love it. The atmosphere of the shop meshes with the feel of down town really well. Hey, there is even a bike rack inside. 2 points for being awesome and supporting exercise. :)
So thanks Nick Livingston aka "Nicko" for helping a directionally challenged girl find Double Shot. My heart is happy.
As I sit here I am being super typical and doing two things.
1. Being "that" Christian doing her quiet time at a coffee shop. (don't judge me.)
2. And, well I am blogging. Do I pass as a coffee shop girl? Hope so. ;)
As I was reading I came across this verse in 1 John 4:16
We have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
God is love. I am so thankful for that truth.
So this is the question that is on my heart. Is Gods love seeping out of me. Is it an overflow of my heart. Is His love constantly in my actions and my words.
Are my judgements being laid super thick on the people around me? I am not talking about iron sharpening iron but am I being self righteous and judgy?
The verse above specifically states that whoever abides in love abides in God. Now this isn't earthy love but a God's perfect love. (another post for another time. If you have question about the difference, please ask.)
In John 16:35 it says,
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
We have GOT to love one another. Be so quick to forgive one another. Love one another regardless. The lost will come to know Jesus by our love. Don't forget that it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. Let's put away our petty differences and show the world who Jesus is. Let's carry His Name by the way we love. Take the time to be kind today.
Let's take up our cross and die to ourselves and decide to love.
Dear self,
remember these things.
just some thoughts I am thinking. Obvi.
Go check out double shot.
Monday, August 15, 2011

Introducing Sarah Bush!
She is the coolest sophomore at OSU, hands down.
I love this girl so much! Just wanted to send some encouragement your way, my dear. I really believe that this year is going to be an incredible one for you. Jesus is going to stretch and love on you so much this year. Just wait. I can't wait to hear the stories. Stay close and do whatever it takes to spend time with our Savior. You are one of a kind, missy. That is such a good thing, and Jesus is going to use your outgoing personality for His glory! So be the girl He has created you to be. Love YOU, Sarah Bush.
Pretty recently Sarah introduced me to a band called elenowen. Y'all, I have become a tad obsessed. Maybe more than a tad. The cd has literally been on repeat for about three weeks. I have shared with a lot of my friends and they are the same way. So, again, take a leap and trust my taste in music and go check these people out. Worth it.
All of thier songs are amazing but there is one in particular that I want to share with y'all. The song is called save me, and here are the lyrics:
Like a cannonball to my chest,
Her words ripped me in two
I wished her all the best
And she wished me the truth
So what am i suppose to do now that I've lost all Ive known?
The heavy heart that's inside of me is sinking like a stone,
Like a stone.
Save me, save me.
I need more than just a hand to hold
I neeed to be carried.
Save me, Save me.
Bring your sweet redemption in
And never, never leave.
Like a soldier going off to war,
It hurt to let him go
I did what needed to be done
But now I'm feeling so alone
We built a home out of sand
But the tide kept coming strong
Broken back and calloused hands
I can only stand so long
Now all my hope is gone
Save me, Save me.
I need more than just a hand to hold
I need to be carried.
Save me, Save me.
Bring your sweet redemption in,
and never, never leave.
You are the place where I belong
Ill never know where I went wrong
Forever I am holding on to the hope of You.
To the hope of You. To the hope of You.
My interpretation of the song is this:
A couple has to break up because of whatever reason and they are turning to Jesus for redemption and healing. Whether you're in a relationship or not I think this song can apply to your life. I really believe Jesus has used this song to touch my heart because it is a reminder that He is where I belong. That I don't need anyone to hold my hand, but (like the song says) I need to be carried. And only Jesus can do that. Only He can offer me redemption and He is the only one that can truly promise to never leave. When I first listened to this song, it seemed sad. But now, y'all, so much joy comes to my heart.
You are the place where I belong.
I'll never know where I went wrong.
Forever I am holding on to the hope of You.
For the Love. There is so much hope in that verse of the song. Jesus is the place where I belong. Not a man, not a job, not anything that this world can offer me. But Jesus and a relationship with Him is where I belong! Knowing Him and being loved by Him. Whenever we surrender all that we want and are to Him, we really can forget all that we have done wrong because He forgives us. He is our hope. Forever. Let me say it one more time, FOREVER!!!! I belong to Jesus Christ becasue He bought me with a price. Himself. I am covered in His redeeming blood. He brought His sweet redemption through the cross. And guess what? He will save you. And He does promise to never leave. Hebrews 13:5
So my question is, what do you need to be saved from? Is it a relationship, school, or a job? I can promise you this, Jesus is the place you belong. My God is jealous for your entire heart. Give it on over. That is where chains will be broken. He will bring in sweet redemption. :)
Click here to listen to this song. :) then go creep this band.
mmmm, so thankful for grace and truth.
Love y'all.
Check out elenowen.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
too proud?
Can You sing over me, words of comfort?
Can You satisfy me, sweet honey?
Can You break through me, with Your strong hands?
Can You undo me, enough to heal me?
You take the weight from my shoulders.
My hands were clenched, now they are open.
I'll take Your goodness poured from the sky.
Food from the ravens. Water from the dry well.
-Enter the Worship Circle (too proud)
Sometimes when our feelings are all over the place, remember this. Our hearts are so fickle. They can so easily lead us astray. Proverbs 28:26
The Word of God is not only comfort but the ultimate truth. Cling to it. It satisfies because it is the voice of God calling out to His people. Listen as you read. Let it pierce your heart and move you into action. It will break through your facade that you have built up for so long. His strong hands will heal you. He will break us a part. He will prune and chip away at the people we have built ourselves to be and remake us into the masterpiece He desires us to be. Someone who uses their gifts, hearts, and lives for His glory.
Don't get lost in thought, dear friend.
Read and be healed. :)
Can You satisfy me, sweet honey?
Can You break through me, with Your strong hands?
Can You undo me, enough to heal me?
You take the weight from my shoulders.
My hands were clenched, now they are open.
I'll take Your goodness poured from the sky.
Food from the ravens. Water from the dry well.
-Enter the Worship Circle (too proud)
Sometimes when our feelings are all over the place, remember this. Our hearts are so fickle. They can so easily lead us astray. Proverbs 28:26
The Word of God is not only comfort but the ultimate truth. Cling to it. It satisfies because it is the voice of God calling out to His people. Listen as you read. Let it pierce your heart and move you into action. It will break through your facade that you have built up for so long. His strong hands will heal you. He will break us a part. He will prune and chip away at the people we have built ourselves to be and remake us into the masterpiece He desires us to be. Someone who uses their gifts, hearts, and lives for His glory.
Don't get lost in thought, dear friend.
Read and be healed. :)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Music Monday.
Well hey there Music Monday!
Can I tell y'all how much I love Music Monday?
A LOT!!!!
Today's post is going to introduce a new Artist. Well, she isn't necessarily new and I have actually already blogged one of her songs. But I am pretty sure she is new to some of you. Thus the introduction of Jess Ray and the Rag Tag Army.
FOR THE LOVE, her music is so good to my ears. Her lyrics make me love Jesus more. A long while back I told you about her song Better. The Lord has used that song to glorify Himself in my life many times. Not only in my life, but in many of my friend's lives. It is one of those songs that you just put on repeat and relish in the fact that Jesus is better than anything that this life can give you.
I recently just found Jess Ray on facebook and fell in love with her new song, Had Me For Good.
This song talks about....well, She actually posts a vid explaining it. So watch that.
Now I am about to give you some instruction and you should probably follow it. :) Trust a sister, have I ever led you wrong? Nope. :)
1. click here. You are going to be taken to her fb page.
2. Like her page.
3. Scroll down until you see the vid where it says. "It's Tuesday and we only have two weeks left!" (she explains the song.) (you can also see her heart for the Lord!)
4. Watch video. :)
5. Go to her website. Click here.
6. Listen to the song. :))))))
7. Buy song. :)
Here are the lyrics:
I remember when You spoke to me
And for the first time I believed all you were saying
And in a moment you took hold of me
You had me for good,
had me for good, had me for good
You shackled, fastened, tethered me, to Yourself
And I am broken, useless, and ruined for anything else
You're rewriting my nature
You're reworking all my default settings
And there is nothing that can change that
Not even me, not even me, not even me
You shackled, fastened, tethered me, to Yourself
And I am broken, useless, and ruined for anything else
I'm prone to wonder towards you now.
Well there ya have it. Music Monday people. I promise this song is good.
Jesus truly has us FOR GOOD.
I love the part that says that we are ruined for anything else but Him. I LOVE THAT. I don't want anything else but Jesus. Nothing else compares. Let the song and the love of Jesus be honey to your soul.
Love y'all.
a lot.
question of the day:
Did you listen to the song? Do you have new perception of the Lord's love for you?
Answer me, answer me! :)
If you answer the question I will pick a winner and send them a random cd of mixed music. Ask anyone who has ever gotten a cd from me if they are legit and they will answer, YES! ;)
Can I tell y'all how much I love Music Monday?
A LOT!!!!
Today's post is going to introduce a new Artist. Well, she isn't necessarily new and I have actually already blogged one of her songs. But I am pretty sure she is new to some of you. Thus the introduction of Jess Ray and the Rag Tag Army.
FOR THE LOVE, her music is so good to my ears. Her lyrics make me love Jesus more. A long while back I told you about her song Better. The Lord has used that song to glorify Himself in my life many times. Not only in my life, but in many of my friend's lives. It is one of those songs that you just put on repeat and relish in the fact that Jesus is better than anything that this life can give you.
I recently just found Jess Ray on facebook and fell in love with her new song, Had Me For Good.
This song talks about....well, She actually posts a vid explaining it. So watch that.
Now I am about to give you some instruction and you should probably follow it. :) Trust a sister, have I ever led you wrong? Nope. :)
1. click here. You are going to be taken to her fb page.
2. Like her page.
3. Scroll down until you see the vid where it says. "It's Tuesday and we only have two weeks left!" (she explains the song.) (you can also see her heart for the Lord!)
4. Watch video. :)
5. Go to her website. Click here.
6. Listen to the song. :))))))
7. Buy song. :)
Here are the lyrics:
I remember when You spoke to me
And for the first time I believed all you were saying
And in a moment you took hold of me
You had me for good,
had me for good, had me for good
You shackled, fastened, tethered me, to Yourself
And I am broken, useless, and ruined for anything else
You're rewriting my nature
You're reworking all my default settings
And there is nothing that can change that
Not even me, not even me, not even me
You shackled, fastened, tethered me, to Yourself
And I am broken, useless, and ruined for anything else
I'm prone to wonder towards you now.
Well there ya have it. Music Monday people. I promise this song is good.
Jesus truly has us FOR GOOD.
I love the part that says that we are ruined for anything else but Him. I LOVE THAT. I don't want anything else but Jesus. Nothing else compares. Let the song and the love of Jesus be honey to your soul.
Love y'all.
a lot.
question of the day:
Did you listen to the song? Do you have new perception of the Lord's love for you?
Answer me, answer me! :)
If you answer the question I will pick a winner and send them a random cd of mixed music. Ask anyone who has ever gotten a cd from me if they are legit and they will answer, YES! ;)
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