Translation: We are to live a radically different life.
Translation of the translation: If we live as the bible tells us to, we will not look, act anything like the world around us.
Don't worry this isn't a judgmental rant, just a heart felt plea. :)
When we surrender to Christ, we die to ourselves. We die to our flesh, to what our body tells us what it needs. Instead we seek Christ with everything in us. We begin to talk about Jesus and who He is in our life. We proclaim His name and faithfulness to our friends.
Recap: Get saved. Die to self. Seek Christ. Proclaim Jesus. Radically different life.
Is this the case in our lives? Is that what our life looks like. Do we eat, sleep, breath differently than the lost and broken people around us?
Do we look, act the exact same way as our friends who are searching for the hope we have deep in our hearts? Are we trying to fill our lives with anything but Jesus?
Reminder: This is not a judgmental rant. My heart has just been so broken lately. When I examine my life, I see areas in my life that look just like they would as if I didn't know Christ. I watch my dear friends seek people and things in their own lives that are not of Jesus. I watch and my heart breaks. Why do we try and find rest outside of the love of Christ. Why isn't He enough?
We have one hand stretching toward Christ and one hand so deep in the world, stretching toward destruction.
How can we proclaim that Christ is the only way, the only truth, and the only life, and then not stand on that proclamation?
Why are relationships, our pride, the beer, ourselves, the drugs, the internet, the food we eat, our sleep, and so much more of the world..why are those things so worth it? Why can't we give em' up for the cause of Christ?
Do we not understand that the love is Christ is where there is life?!