There is just something about getting into the depth of peoples hearts. By reading the words that people type for the internet world to see, I am challenged, inspired and just plum interested. Blogs are good for nosy girls like me. (Kidding--as mentioned in an earlier blog post, I hate half-hearted friendships. Even though I do not know these people face to face--I am able to peer into their hearts, talk about God knitting our hearts together. Man, it is beautiful.)
Okay, the point of this post?
It is really simple, blogs are good for the soul.
Correction: Jesus is good for the soul, blogs are just another avenue for me to learn from other Christ followers. And that my friends is biblical. We are called to pour into one another, be there for one another. Proverbs 13:20 and 27:17
Blogs call for transparency--
Beth Moore said it wisely, "Blogs are for the honest, not the proud." Such a wise woman, who is consistently following after Christ. It is such a blessing for me to be able to read her blog. She is my mentor from a far, as Craig Groeschel would say it. In reading her blog I am getting a straight shot into her soul, into what is on her heart. I learn from her, she pushes me toward Christ by her words. It is the same when I read other blogs by Christ seeking people. I am challenged. Here is the link to her blog ---> Read up!
I love the transparency from her blog though, she doesn't pretend to be perfect or have it all together. She just tells of her pursuit for Christ. I really want to portray the same heart through my blog posts. I just want to be a catalyst for other people, and throw y'all (who read this, is anyone out there?) over to Jesus. If I, we, are honest about what is going on in our life, how God is refining us, I really believe that we will be better off.
I just really love how God is using the internet to bring glory to Himself. Jesus, use me.
My prayer for anyone who reads this, is that you will want to seek Jesus more. I pray that my words would cause you to fall madly in love with our God. If you don't know Jesus, I pray that you would ask me about him. I want the world to know this hope that I have. Let us use everything for the glory of God, y'all. It is all about Him. Praise God, it is all about Him.
Anyways, I REALLY love reading blogs!