Monday, April 25, 2011

Music Monday.

"Your love for music will be an important part of your life." My fortune cookie. :)

If you know me at all, you know that I am a HUGE fan of music. HUGE.
So, every Monday, will be Music Monday.
Get. Excited.

This particular Monday is featuring KB! You can check him out here.

I actually just got a hold of his cd today. It is raw and full of talent. He lays out the truth and brings it hard. Check out a "Don't Waste Your Life" remix here. He brings it, and it. Is. Good.

click here to see the vid. :)

Okay, I know I've not given you much detail, but hopefully enough to wet your appetite. Check this guy out. His music is worth it because he praises the One who is Worthy. (and he is just bombdig.) Derrr.

Love y'all.

-His Beloved.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter, my friends!

In a friend, David's words: JESUS. Ain't. Dead!

I have had a new aspect on Easter this year: God forsook His son, for me!
Wait, what? Hold up! This is a whole new take on Easter. A lightbulb that has finally turned on!

These next 365 days are going to be based on my love story with my Savior. And this truth that I have learned, that has finally clicked, is crucial. Not only did my God forsake His perfect son for me, but Jesus died willingly and took His Father's wrath for me. Woaaa.

Y'all! Do you see that love story? Do you see how much God desires us? He wanted a relationship with me so badly that he sacrificed His son for me. Jesus loved me so dearly that He died so I could know His Father. So I could know Him.

You see, because of my flesh, my very DNA I deserve death. The moment I was born, I was a sinner. I am imperfect. Just being human keeps me away from God, hence the need for a sacrifice. A need for a Savior. Jesus is it.

He lived a perfect life. In His perfection He was deemed a worthy sacrifice for all of our sins. That sin came with a price. When Jesus died on the cross, He took all of my sin upon himself. He became my sin. He paid my price.

But here is the beauty of it all.. Not only did Jesus take my sin upon himself and die. But He rose again victoriously. He conquered death. Jesus took all of my sin threw it into hell and left it there. Jesus literally stole me away from the devils grasp on my life. He is my Savior. I am alive. I know Him personally. I know His father personally. My Jesus ain't dead. He is alive and pursuing my life daily.

My Jesus is a champion, never to be defeated.

You wanna know Him? Do you need to be saved from the devils grasp on your life? Please ask questions! Please let me know how I can pray for you.
Reader, I love you dearly. :)

-His Beloved.

I woke up with this song in my head, and I wanted to share: click here :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

365 days.

Ingrid Michaelson music streaming from the speakers.
Cuddled up in bed, lap top sitting, well.. on my lap.
Looking out the window of my bedroom.
Ready, to write to you, to tell you something.

Today is the first day of many where I will tell you something. I will be telling you many different somethings with no specific theme. This blog will just be filled with my heart.

You will be hearing a lot about music, and my favorite songs. Which ones speak to my heart, change my life and songs that I love to dance too. You will be hearing about adventures that I go on. You will find out some of my dreams, fears, and interests. You will be reading about love, oh love. The part of my heart that I am most excited about.. is tell you what Jesus is writing on my heart. I can promise you those are going to be the days worth reading. The part of my heart worth hearing about.

My desire is that through these next days, Jesus will be fleshed out through each of these aspects of my life. That you will see/hear/read about Jesus daily. Because the fact is, no music is worth listening too, no adventure worth going on, no dream worth having, no love worth experiencing, is worthy, unless Jesus is the center.

There is no blog worth reading unless it points you toward the only thing worthwhile. Jesus.

So, the point of this post is to prepare you. You, my friends, are going to be able to read 365 days worth of music, adventures, fears, dreams and interests that the Lord has graced me with. I believe that all of these things are a part of our (mine and His) beautiful journey. You see, my
Jesus pursues me daily, through each of these facets of life. My goal is to write out our love story for the next 365 days. My goal is that you will see our love and He will be lifted higher in your life because of it. That you will begin seek out your own love story with the Creator. He is there, ready to take you out. Sweep you off of your feet.

So Yes I am in love, I am in love with Jesus Christ. Hallelujah, I am in love.

Let's journey together.

- His Beloved.

Fear not, I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine. Isaiah 43:1
For your maker, is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Isreal. Isaiah 54:5